Movie Reviews: Badlapur Boys Bollywood Movie

Movie: Badlapur Boys
Cast: Annu Kapoor, Anupam Maanav, Saranya Mohan, Nishan, kishori Shahane, Aman Varma
Director: Shailesh Varma
Ratings: 2 Stars Out of 5 Stars

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Movie Reviews: The Movie ‘Badlapur Boys’ story Badlapur small village in Uttar Pradesh, where drought is suffering because of the condition of the farmers.
There is a farmer in order to build a canal to reach their voice chief takes immolated. In turn called him crazy. But do not give her son and his voice through kabaddi chief fires.

Film Badlapur Boys is touching the subject. It is shown how the poor farmers of the country fails to give voice to their government and leaders. The reason they put up to the oppression and take ahead towards suicide.

Seeing the movie poster or promo realize that it’s a film Kabaddi, but it is not. The film not only shows kabaddi, kabaddi, but the son of a poor farmer in the environment movement, and his efforts have been fabricated Movie Reviews.

Most are new faces in the film, but his acting suits their character. Annu Kapoor kabaddi coach rolls are frozen. The film also has some drawbacks. Drama and songs for no reason, which seems bewilderingly somewhere on the subject.

“Badlapur Boys subject to be honest, but the film did not become much stronger. Yet it touches the heart, because the love of the village, the village seemingly fair, kabaddi fighting, jealousy and passion of the most important thing seems to touch the floor.

Even if the script is weak, but the film is a dialogue, “the effort is successful or fail big or small. This is the only fixed the resolution and determination.

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