Winter-Proof Your Workout Tips

Latets Health and Fitness Tips :  Hibernating isn’t going to burn you any calories. Winter-proof your workout and your waistline with our seasonal survival guide.winter_workout_tips_large

Winter Tips 1:  Your body’s chemical switch has flipped to storing more fat.

Get your motor running. When University of Colorado researchers studied a group of 12 women and six men in both summer and winter, they discovered that their production of ATLPL, a chemical that promotes fat storage, almost doubled during the winter and dropped during the summer. But you’re not doomed to don fat pants all season, scientists say. Exercise may increase SMLPL, the muscle enzyme that promotes the burning of fat, to offset the pudge-promoting effects of ATLPL. “We found that people who are normally physically active are more protected from weight gain,” says study author Robert E. Eckel, MD. Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days, whether it’s Spinning, snowshoeing, or building a snowman.

Winter Tips 2: ‘Tis the season for big sweaters – the better to hide your bulges with.

Opt for layers that leave a little bit of your silhouette intact. It’s no surprise that your comfy cardigan may stealthily up the odds you’ll skip your workout, since it keeps soft spots under wraps, says Jennifer Baumgartner, a psychologist in Potomac, Maryland, who makes the link between clothing and mind-set for her clients. “The first thing I tell people who are trying to lose weight is to avoid baggy clothing, since you won’t be able to see the positive changes in your body,” she says. “There’s also a subconscious association between baggy clothes and lounging.” To help break the lazy spell, pick sweaters in red, pink, or bright blue, Baumgartner advises. Mood research suggests that these colors jolt your senses and help energize you.

Winter Tips 3: Your carb cravings skyrocket when the days get short.

Munch on healthy carbs in the afternoon before the sun goes down to stave off a splurge. Winter can trigger cravings for comforting, sweet carbs because diminished sunlight during the season makes serotonin in the brain less active. Too little of this mood-lifting chemical leaves you feeling tired and hungry, says Judith Wurtman, PhD, founder of Triad, a Harvard Hospital weight-management center, and coauthor of The Serotonin Power Diet. Your brain is making you desire carbs because after you eat them, your serotonin level will rise. Wurtman’s research found that “carbohydrate cravers” with seasonal affective disorder may consume an additional 800 calories or more a day because they satisfy their munchies with fatty carbs; indulge like that for five days straight and you’ll gain a pound. Put yourself in a good mood during winter’s dark days by instead eating low-fat, healthy carbs, such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal with a sprinkle of brown sugar, and cinnamon toast. Because cravings tend to grow stronger as the day goes on, try to eat protein, dairy products, and vegetables for breakfast and lunch, Wurtman says. Then have a low-fat carb snack, such as popcorn, soy crackers, or cereal, in the afternoon. For dinner, opt for roasted potatoes, whole-grain pasta, black bean soup, or vegetable stew with barley. (Avoid eating a lot of protein, because that prevents serotonin from being made.) Another slimming strategy that may help put the brakes on binges is to spend at least 20 minutes a day outside or near a bright window to amp up your serotonin, suggests Donnica Moore, MD, author of Women’s Health for Life.winter workout tips, winter tips

Winter Tips 4: A snowfall derails your usual outdoor workout.

Let it snow! The white stuff increases the calorie burn of each step. For example, a 30-minute moderate walk on an even surface burns 106 calories for the average 140-pound woman. Snowshoeing for the same amount of time more than doubles the burn, to 256 calories. Runners, meanwhile, can safely jog through the season by stealing these get-a-grip strategies from the pros up north, who regularly brave the flakes.

  • Invest in a trail-running shoe for its deeper treads, which provide better traction some water-resistant models, like the Asics Gel-Arctic 2 WR have removable spikes on the outsole or a set of winter cleats, such as Yaktrax which slip on over your running sneakers.
  • Listen to your body: Run slower than usual and take shorter strides. “If you continue your normal stride length, your calves will be sore the next day, because you tend to claw the ground with your toes to keep your footing,” says marathon coach Ronnie Carda, PhD, coordinator of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s physical activity program.
  • Skip the hills. “More falls happen on downhills, because you naturally tend to pick up your pace, making it harder to stop when you hit an icy patch,” says Jan Ochocki, a coach with the Road Runners Club of America in Minneapolis.
  • “Get out while the powder is down” is the basic rule of thumb, Carda says; sit it out if snow refreezes overnight into hard-packed ice.Training-at-night-pop-sugar-edited-blog

Winter Tips 5: You can’t get out of bed on dark mornings to do your a.m. workout.

Tuck in earlier to go from tired to inspired. “Darkness is a cue for your brain to crank out the sleep-inducing chemical melatonin,” says Alfred Lewy, MD, a sleep and mood disorder researcher at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. “In the winter, when you wake up before sunrise, it’s like having jet lag for four or five months,” Lewy says. If it’s not possible to wait for the sun to sneak in your workout when you’re more energized, he suggests making your wake-up easier by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each week over the next four weeks: Set your cell phone alarm for when it’s time to hit the sack at night and avoid computer and TV use for an hour before bedtime to shut out light and other brain stimulators. That extra hour of shut-eye could make a huge difference in your morning-after mood: Brazilian researchers randomly assessed 200 healthy people and found that night owls, who went to sleep at midnight, were almost three times more likely to experience severe symptoms of depression than those who turned in at 11 p.m.

Winter Tips 6:  Instant Rehab for Soggy Sneakers

Salvage your slush-soaked kicks overnight with this three-step checklist from John Luna, footwear product manager for Asics.

  • Remove sock liners and wet laces and hang them up so the sneakers can dry more quickly.
  • Stuff shoes with wadded newspaper to soak up the stink and moisture.
  • Place them in a warm, dry spot but not too close to the radiator: Heat breaks down the foam and rubber in sneakers.

Tip: Spraying your sneakers with a waterproofing solution can help them withstand the wet better, Luna says, but it can also make them less breathable. Try Granger’s G-Max Universal Footwear Waterproofer ($10,


Winter Tips 7: Dress Code for Winter Workouts

  • Base layer: Choose a snug but breathable shirt that wicks sweat from skin; look for a synthetic fabric, like polypropylene or capilene, or go for silk. But avoid cotton; it holds on to moisture and can quickly lose its insulating powers when wet. Try a turtleneck for walking or a long-sleeve tee for running.
  • Middle layer: Add a fleece or wool top to provide insulation; how thick depends on the temperature and the intensity of your exercise. Don’t forget your hat and mittens if it’s near freezing.
  • Outer layer: When it dips below freezing, top off with a jacket that resists wind and water but still breathes; Gore-Tex and nylon are good options.

Source : Latest Health and Fitness Tips

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Latest News India Ebola Fighters: Times Person Of The Year

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Latest News America’s prestigious Time magazine Ibola affected areas, life threatening working people, Person of the Year award is given. Magazine said, these are the people who have come out in. Please tell the magazine Reader’s online poll into Indian PM Narendra Modi title advocating giving, but the magazine’s editors said Ibola fight against the people who won it decided to.

The approach adopted for the title of magazine, he had ‘been in the news a person or several people who most people’s lives for good or bad reasons or influenced. In with which this year was extremely important Latest News.”

Ferguson other for the title of America Fainlists protesters, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese businessman Jack Ma, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Brjani among others. Last year, the pope was the title.

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Highest Retweets of Modi and Followers of Amitabh Bachchan

Latest News India On micro-blogging site Twitter to tweet re-tweeted the prime minister Narendra Modi in the forefront. Tweet to win the election, 70 515 people had to share. Foloars on Twitter superstar Amitabh Bachchan in the forefront. Follow their Foloars number is 1.18 million.

Date of written news in India India hedge von ‘and’ good days are coming, “is the most re-tweeted the tweet. Delete the second in the case of Salman. Tweet about their kick trailer 51 981 people to re-tweet. Twitter’s official sage Jaitley said, “India can not be a better time to be on Twitter. Many large and small developments have increased the attraction of Twitter Latest News India. “

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Amitabh Bachchan Bollywood Actor

Top ten other actor Rajinikanth’s first tweet tweet south, ISRO Tue tweet about mission and the Australian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar include Phil Hughes tribute.

In terms of the world, many of the famous Hollywood actors Alan Dijeners Oscar Selfi most re-tweeted by 3.36787 million accounts. Follow Foloars after Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan in the case. Number of their Foloars 1.02 million. Aamir eat number of Foloars 98.6 million, 94.2 million of Salman Khan and Narendra Modi are Foloars 84.2 million. Modi in 2014, the highest 54.45 per cent in the number of Foloars grew 46.2 million.

Source : Latest Celebrity Gossip – Get A News

Latest News From India

Latest News Suicide Attempt is Not A Crime in India

Latest News India Crime is classified as suicide in the Constitution, but that is going to happen soon, it will be deleted from the category of crime. Modi government on the recommendation of the Law Commission of Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 309 (attempted suicide) has decided to eliminate.

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Latest News From India

Section 309 year sentence at the suicide attempt is or fines. The information in parliament on Wednesday, the Home Ministry said 18 states and four Union Territories are in favor of abolishing the current 309 Latest News India.

Interior Ministry said in a statement that states the opinion that the central government has decided to be removed from this section IPC. Home Minister Kiran Rijuju House said in August, “the Law Commission said in its report on humanitarian grounds to consider that the suicide attempt and the need to keep out of range of the crime.”

Source : Latest News From India – Get A News

Latest News India Shiv Sena

Shiv Sena Ministers Oath Ceremony on 5th December

Latest News India: BJP-Shiv Sena broken before the elections will be added to the 25-year-old friendship again on Friday. Right now the main opposition party in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena plays after a power-sharing formula agreed upon will be included in the government. Almost a month old Devendra Fdnhvis government ministers sworn in as the first expansion will be about 20 Latest News India. These parties may be about ten ministers. Ceremony will be held at the Legislative Building on campus. Eight cabinet ministers in the government and the two states.

On the other hand, the Shiv Sena has asked the central government to increase the representation of the party. Shiv Sena MP Gajanan honorees Modi said his party has sought a cabinet and a state minister. Before the expansion of the Modi government was boycotted by the Shiv Sena.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Global Corruption

Latest News India Improved in Global Corruption List

Latest News India is increasingly visible in the settlement of corruption this year, which owed its place among 175 countries last year from 94 th to 85 th has reformed.

Corruption watchdog Transparency International India (TII), said Wednesday that the least corrupt country in 2014. Denmark’s 92 points at the top, then North Korea and Somalia gathered eight points to last place.

The neighboring countries of India, China, 80th place last year at this time the 100th eroding. Pakistan and Nepal was ranked 126th. Bangladesh and Bhutan at 145th to 30th place. Sri Lanka, India is ranked 85th, reached number 172 in Afghanistan Latest News India.

TII’s Corruption Perception Inventory (CPI) report, India CPI increased two points in his 2013 score, which rose from 94 in 2013 to No. 85 in 2014 helped. India had 38 points compared to 36 last year.

CPI improve India’s largest two main data sources – the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Justice Project (WJP) is based on the list.

The report stated that the WEF shows the improvement in scores on business in India has improved the perception of corruption and bribery. Dblugepi points shows that corruption in the public sector in India is weak.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Jan Dhan Scheme

Latest News India Bankers Not Happy With Jan Dhan Scheme

Latest News India Planning Minister Narendra Modi, his greatest successes, even though public funds are counted but the resentment building up the people on the ground. Those banks plan Jandhan overwhelming hundreds of accounts are opened every day, because of Modi plans have to be a victim of people’s anger. Banks do not answer that all holders of that cover 1 million and five thousand of them, why not get a loan.

Patna is most upset by the fact that the banks possess Modi slew Jandhan plan on going to the ground. That is why people still eat, but not so open, so the loan, nor is able to get insurance facility.

According to the banks so far a bank overdraft or loan of five thousand had no orders to do with the insurance RBI has no guidelines. So people have to be aware of the questions is not only banks but also the everyday bank account holder bank officials are entangled. Patna are several banks complained to the manager Latest News India.

Sunil Kumar, senior manager of Bank of India today said, “Every day we have to suffer the anger of clients that we are not mass-funding scheme. 5 thousand of account opening bank loan demand, but so far we have not come up any guidelines. Nor have we any right to insurance. Customers ask us account after opening the insurance papers. Every day we are facing a fight. “

Source: Latest News India

Latest News Weapon of Peace ak 47

Latest News AK 47 Killing Machine Awarded Weapon Of Peace

Latest News AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle in the world famous Russian company to enhance its image, a new logo and tagline under the plan is adopted. The company has its arms weapon of peace (Vepans of Peace) is described.

Kalashnikov AK-47 rifle was given to the world. The rifle with security forces in Asia and Africa continent is also popular among terrorist organizations. Kalashnikov or AK-47 weapon in the world is familiar. Russia Today, according to a company news in the company’s renewed branding initiative has spent more than $ 380 000. Kalashnikov’s new logo “CK” is written in black and red. The extension ‘Kalashnikov Concern “which the company says its new name Latest News India.

The company said in a statement that these are the colors of the flag of Udmurtia in western Serbia, the Kalashnikov is the main factory. At the same time the weapon is the company adopted a new slogan or slogan. Peace slogan in English (Protecting Peace) and Russian weapon of peace (Vepans of Peace) implies.

The company has introduced some products to descend into the fashion market. It is believed that the world has sold more than 10 million Kalashnikov rifles. Mikhail Kalashnikov, who developed the gun died last year.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Kejriwal

Kejriwal’s US Fund Raising Dinner Latest News India

Latest News India Aam Aadmi Party convenor Arvind Kejriwal raises questions on travel between Dubai and US sources said the party is clear that the program is not in Dubai Arvind’s fund raising. Arvind there are going to be just 2 programs. The Indian diaspora in the US with Arvind fund raising dinner program. But this program on behalf of the party but the people living there are being held from. It questioned the BJP party has the common man. On behalf of the party has hit back at BJP.

Party sources said Arvind Kejriwal will leave for Dubai on Thursday afternoon. Bhagwant Mann MP and senior lawyer and member of the party h. S. Weight are also with Arvind. Arvind in Dubai will be the first door on Friday famous Gurudwara Nanak. As well as many others will also. Brands of the World Summit on Saturday after the Asia’s most inspiring and Youth Social Change Maker Award will be awarded.

That same day, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Abu Dhabi chapter will address. Then will leave for New York on Saturday evening Arvind. He will also meet with Indians living in New York. This is a fund raising dinner with the NRI has been organized Latest News India.
According to sources who attended the dinner from 5 to 10 thousand dollars minimum donation per plate can be taken accordingly. Party leaders have said that full account of funding from the US will be on the party’s website. After studying at Columbia University in New York on Monday Arvind Indian students to address the program.
Arvind on the traveling party has raised questions. Party chief Praveen Shankar Kapoor Delhi state media has said that no political party in India and abroad have visited fundraising. It is clear that all these political survival depends on funding from the Ford Foundation and the State.

Layman party spokesman Dilip Pandey said these allegations stating that Indians living in the US foreign BJP leaders admit, it’s sad. Pandey is clear that according to the law of Dubai fundraising or any other country where the leader can not be held as political campaigning, the only people in the US will fund, which has an Indian passport and which law of India is funding permits. The party asked the BJP that the public to report any funding from abroad.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India New CBI Director

Latest News India Anil Kumar Sinha New CBI Director

New Delhi: Senior IPS officer Anil Kumar Sinha on Tuesday night, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been appointed as the new director. He will replace Ranjit Sinha.

Ranjit Sinha, the Supreme Court in the 2G spectrum scam probe ordered to stay away from the investigation after he retired amid controversy. Bihar cadre, 1979 batch officer in CBI director Anil Kumar Sinha Latest News India.

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name cleared Anil Kumar Sinha Tuesday evening included in the list of candidates selected by the Selection Committee. As stated in an official notification from the date of taking over a two-year term Sinha will.

Earlier in the day, Modi Chief Justice of India and the leader of the main opposition party in the Lok Sabha on the selection of the new CBI chief was discussed. The Committee elected by the Department of Personnel and Training to consider the names of 40 officers. Sources said Latest News from India.

CBI director Ranjit Sinha turmoil of his two-year reign as the retired today. He went on turning over controversial tenure. Sinha was busted in term of bribery cases in which several members of the Railway Board, a public sector bank chairman and chief executive officer of the Board, including the Managing Director and was involved in many other cases.

Source: Latest News India