Celebrity Gossip Aamir is Learning Wrestling For Next Movie

Latest Celebrity Gossip Mr. Bollywood perfectionist Aamir Khan in sports these days are showing great interest. But let me tell you, this interest is preparing a Timepass but Aamir’s next film. Yes, maybe it will be the first time the actor will have to wrestle.

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As you may know, not a single movie of Aamir Khan in the year 2015 is coming. But in 2015 they will be busy with his upcoming films. Meanwhile, the news that Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan is a film made for the course. Being told that the film will be based on wrestling Wrestling ie. Nitesh Tiwari bhootnath earlier directed hits like Rirtns and Chillar Party. However, Aamir Khan has been preparing over the film. There are reports that Aamir has moved to Haryana to learn wrestling. Also Aamir concentrate on your body, so that they can see in the movie actually wrestler. However, Aamir is known for its perfection. So one can expect that the wrestler and wrestling appearance Aamir will spare no effort in learning Latest Celebrity Gossip.

Source : Latest Celebrity Gossip – Get A News