Beauty Tips, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty, Body Beauty Tips

Natural Body Beauty Tips

Health And Beauty Tips Tried out everything on the glossy shelves and still not satisfied with how you look? If you are always pinning for that perfect skin and have already tried.

-Sleeping on your back will prevent many wrinkles and breakouts on your face, and even wrinkles in your cleavage area.

-Wearing clothes that are tight make you look heavier. Even a slim girl can bulge over too-tight jeans.

-Put on a coat of clear nail polish before a colored polish to keep your nails from discoloring.

-Being angry really does take away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later.

Beauty Tips, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty, Body Beauty Tips

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-Wearing less make-up makes you look younger.

-Vitamins and minerals are needed for health and beauty, but more is not always better. Too much Vitamin A or Selenium can cause hair loss.

-If you are unhappy with a hair conditioner, it will still make a great “shaving cream” for your legs in the shower.

-When shaving, don’t stretch the skin or you could cause ingrown hairs by shaving hair off slightly under the skin.

-Drink plenty of water and get eight hours of sleep every day.

-Tighten bra straps as they stretch out, or buy a new bra when they can’t tighten any further, to keep the bosom looking young and perky.

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-Instead of shaving over and over, with the hairs coming in darker and thicker each time, try waxing. Waxing to remove hair will result in softer hairs each time and result in permanent hair loss after a few sessions. Aussie Nad’s is an all-natural product which is easy to use.

-Sleeping on two or three pillows at a time, or putting a wedge pillow under your regular pillow will help get rid of Dark Circles under your eyes.

-Exercise while dieting is a must or your skin will be too large (and saggy) for your smaller body. It is much, much tougher to tighten skin after your body shrinks than as you go.

-After washing your face, rinse in cold water (fair-skinned people should use cool instead of cold) to close the pores and tighten the facial muscles.

-If you are out of quick-dry spray for nails, dip your fingers into a bowl of ice-cold water. (Don’t to touch the sides of the bowl.) Your nails will dry very quickly.

-Good posture can make you look much slimmer.

-Wearing a low heel will give you better posture than wearing flat shoes.

Wearing very high heels too often will give you a masculine, muscular calf instead of a feminine, rounded calf.

-Renew thick nail polish by adding a few drops of finger Nail Polish remover to the bottle.

-Make a Nail Polish Tips  bottle not get stuck closed, put a thin coat of Vaseline inside the lid.

-Clean hair brushes occasionally with dish soap and borax. In a dishpan of very warm water, add 1/2 cup of borax and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Swish the brushes to stir, rinse, and let air dry. Scrub any stubborn spots with a used toothbrush.

WhatsApp, Voice-Calling, Voice-Calling Feature

WhatsApp Voice-Calling Feature: Here’s How To Activate It

Personal Technology News After multiple flip-flops, WhatsApp has finally released the Voice-Calling Feature for all Android users. You will need to download version 2.11.528 from the Play Store or version 2.11.531 from the WhatsApp website.

According to AndroidPolice, the voice-calling can be activated is by receiving a call from someone whose voice-calling is already activated. After you get the call, you need to close and then reopen the app. After that, instead of seeing the most recent chats, you will get three tabs namely Calls, Chats and Contacts. The call tab shows incoming, outgoing and missed calls at the precise times.

WhatsApp, Voice-Calling, Voice-Calling FeatureThis time around WhatsApp has decided to keep the invite-window open for longer duration. Unlike some weeks back when WhatsApp had kept the invite-window open only for a couple of hours.

WhatsApp has been beta-testing the voice-calling feature for quite a while now. We had earlier seen, how WhatsApp was testing this calling feature in India. A Reddit userpradnesh07, even got the feature activated on his phone.

Latest Personal Technology News According to the images posted, users who receive the voice-calling feature will notice an icon for it, beside the Chats and Contacts tabs. The call interface seems to quite similar to a smartphone’s contact directory. The app keeps a record of recent WhatsApp calls as well.

Last week we read about a malware which was promising access to the WhatsApp voice-calling feature. According to the Daily Star, if users clicked on a link, they were taken to another website where they were asked to take a survey on behalf of the popular messaging service. However, the survey forces people to download applications and software that might contain dangerous malware.

Skoda Fabia, SkodaAutomobile News, Automotive News, Latest Automobiles News, Latest Automotive News, Automotive Industry News,

Skoda Fabia to Make A Comeback in India

In a bid to Increase its market share in the Indian market,Skoda, the Czech carmaker, is planning to re-launch the Skoda Fabia premium hatchback in India, claimsMoney Control. Owing to the poor sales performance of the old Fabia, the company had phased it out in 2013. The company might consider launching the New Generation Model of the product that made its debut at the 2014 Paris Motor Show. Upon its launch, the vehicle will take on the likes of Hyundai i20, and Maruti Suzuki Swift among other contenders in the segment.

Also Read: New Model of Maruti Suzuki Swift

Latest Automobiles News The new-generation Skoda Fabia has grown bigger in dimensions as compared to the discontinued model, and takes its design inspiration from the New Octavia. The car features a 30mm lower roofline and is 90mm wider than the discontinued model. Despite the fact that the car is dimensionally bigger than the old model, the company claims that it will be 17 per cent more fuel efficient than before, thanks to its lighter weight. The new Fabia is about 65Kg less in weight.

Skoda Fabia, SkodaAutomobile News, Automotive News, Latest Automobiles News, Latest Automotive News, Automotive Industry News,

Automobiles Industry India While the new-gen model will have 3 diesel and 4 petrol engines in the global markets, the India-bound model is likely to share its engine options with the Volkswagen Polo.

NH10, NH10 movie review, NH10 review, movie reviews, NH10 film review, Bollywood movie review, film reviews, Hindi film reviews, Navdeep Singh, Anushka Sharma, Neil Bhoopalam, Darshan Kumaar

NH10 Bollywood Movie Review

Fancy a non-stop, relentless, edge-of-the-seat experience for close to two hours with your heart perpetually parked in your mouth? NH10 is that kind of a rare movie.

Bollywood Gossip Navdeep Singh, who gave us the delightful Manorama Six Feet Under’, is thankfully back after eight years with this gritty, edgy, Uncompromising Film. The story (written by Sudip Sharma) is about an urban couple Meera (Anushka Sharma) and Arjun (Neil Bhoopalam), two young professionals from Bangalore, staying in Gurgaon. Otherwise capable and independent Meera gets the first taste of fear when she is attacked by a group of men while returning from work late in the night. Arjun plans to take her away to a holiday resort to get over the trauma. But on their way back, they happen to witness something absolutely unimaginable yet so disturbingly real that in an instant their holiday turns into a relentless horror story, as they desperately struggle to keep themselves alive.

NH10, NH10 movie review, NH10 review, movie reviews, NH10 film review, Bollywood movie review, film reviews, Hindi film reviews, Navdeep Singh, Anushka Sharma, Neil Bhoopalam, Darshan Kumaar

Bollywood Movie Reviews Half of Navdeep’s battle is won at the scripting stage itself, as here is a story guaranteed to jolt most of us living in urban cocoons out of our reverie, forcing us to look into certain grim truths that exist right outside the city limits. Through a powerful, gripping narrative of a desperately helpless couple struggling out of their nightmarish situation, Navdeep strips down the flimsy safety net of urban civility that we delude ourselves with, and boldly takes us through the rampant lawlessness, mindless casteism and sickening patriarchy that leads to honour killings.

Hindi Movie Reviews Anushka Sharma plays Meera with admirable conviction. She goes all out to play this well fleshed-out character of an independent professional who is suddenly and violently thrown in a situation where she has to not only save her and her husband’s life, but also more importantly, hold on to shreds of her dignity as a woman. Neil Bhoopalam gives good support. Darshan Kumaar is excellent as the ruthless Satbir. Deepti Naval’s small but powerful role is beyond her comfort zone but she delivers it with a punch, literally Latest Movie Reviews.

Daily News, Latest News India

If one has to point out drawbacks, some of the twists in the story seem too convenient and the second half dips a wee bit in energy as compared to the first half. But, overall, the choice of locations, the performances and the brutally honest take on a story that needed to be told, makes this film a hell of a scary ride but absolutely worth it. Don’t miss it.

Coal Scam, Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, coal blocks, Coal Scam case

Coal Scam: Sonia Gandhi Leads Solidarity March To Manmohan Singh’s Residence

The entire top Congress leadership including Sonia Gandhi today took to the streets to express solidarity with former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who has been summoned as accused in a coal scam case, with the party President calling it “outrageous”.

Sonia Gandhi chaired a meeting of the CWC at Congress headquarters early in the morning and immediately led a march to Singh’s residence about half a km away in the heart of the capital in which several of Singh’s cabinet colleagues P Chidambaram, Anand Sharma, Ambika Soni, Veerappa Moily and K Rehman Khan were present.

Latest News India The Congress leaders also attacked the government accusing it of maintaining a “studied silence” after the CBI had told the court that there was no criminality involved in the allocation of Talabira Coal Blocks II to Hindalco company of Aditya Birla group in Odisha in 2005 when Singh also held the portfolio of coal. Gandhi declared that they would fight the case with all legal means at their command.

“I was outraged at the news that summons had been served to Manmohan Singh,” the Congress President said.

Coal Scam, Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, coal blocks, Coal Scam case

“The former Prime Minister is known not only in our country but throughout the world as being a person of integrity and probity. We are here to offer our unstinted support, our solidarity.

“The Congress party is fully behind him. We shall fight this legally and with all our means at our command. We are sure, we are convinced that he will be vindicated,” she told reporters at Singh’s residence.

Singh, accompanied by his wife, received the leaders at the porch of his residence. The leaders greeted him warmly.

The former Prime Minister had yesterday expressed confidence that he will prove his innocence in a fair trial.

“Of course, I am upset but this is part of life. I have always said I am open for legal scrutiny I am sure the truth will prevail and I will get a chance to put forward my case with all the facts,” Singh had said.

A special court had summoned Singh along with industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla, ex-coal secretary P C Parakh and three others as accused in a case pertaining to allocation of Talabira-II coal block in Odisha in 2005 and asked them to appear before it on April 8.