Latest News From India

Latest News Suicide Attempt is Not A Crime in India

Latest News India Crime is classified as suicide in the Constitution, but that is going to happen soon, it will be deleted from the category of crime. Modi government on the recommendation of the Law Commission of Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 309 (attempted suicide) has decided to eliminate.

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Section 309 year sentence at the suicide attempt is or fines. The information in parliament on Wednesday, the Home Ministry said 18 states and four Union Territories are in favor of abolishing the current 309 Latest News India.

Interior Ministry said in a statement that states the opinion that the central government has decided to be removed from this section IPC. Home Minister Kiran Rijuju House said in August, “the Law Commission said in its report on humanitarian grounds to consider that the suicide attempt and the need to keep out of range of the crime.”

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Latest News India Shiv Sena

Shiv Sena Ministers Oath Ceremony on 5th December

Latest News India: BJP-Shiv Sena broken before the elections will be added to the 25-year-old friendship again on Friday. Right now the main opposition party in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena plays after a power-sharing formula agreed upon will be included in the government. Almost a month old Devendra Fdnhvis government ministers sworn in as the first expansion will be about 20 Latest News India. These parties may be about ten ministers. Ceremony will be held at the Legislative Building on campus. Eight cabinet ministers in the government and the two states.

On the other hand, the Shiv Sena has asked the central government to increase the representation of the party. Shiv Sena MP Gajanan honorees Modi said his party has sought a cabinet and a state minister. Before the expansion of the Modi government was boycotted by the Shiv Sena.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Global Corruption

Latest News India Improved in Global Corruption List

Latest News India is increasingly visible in the settlement of corruption this year, which owed its place among 175 countries last year from 94 th to 85 th has reformed.

Corruption watchdog Transparency International India (TII), said Wednesday that the least corrupt country in 2014. Denmark’s 92 points at the top, then North Korea and Somalia gathered eight points to last place.

The neighboring countries of India, China, 80th place last year at this time the 100th eroding. Pakistan and Nepal was ranked 126th. Bangladesh and Bhutan at 145th to 30th place. Sri Lanka, India is ranked 85th, reached number 172 in Afghanistan Latest News India.

TII’s Corruption Perception Inventory (CPI) report, India CPI increased two points in his 2013 score, which rose from 94 in 2013 to No. 85 in 2014 helped. India had 38 points compared to 36 last year.

CPI improve India’s largest two main data sources – the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Justice Project (WJP) is based on the list.

The report stated that the WEF shows the improvement in scores on business in India has improved the perception of corruption and bribery. Dblugepi points shows that corruption in the public sector in India is weak.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Jan Dhan Scheme

Latest News India Bankers Not Happy With Jan Dhan Scheme

Latest News India Planning Minister Narendra Modi, his greatest successes, even though public funds are counted but the resentment building up the people on the ground. Those banks plan Jandhan overwhelming hundreds of accounts are opened every day, because of Modi plans have to be a victim of people’s anger. Banks do not answer that all holders of that cover 1 million and five thousand of them, why not get a loan.

Patna is most upset by the fact that the banks possess Modi slew Jandhan plan on going to the ground. That is why people still eat, but not so open, so the loan, nor is able to get insurance facility.

According to the banks so far a bank overdraft or loan of five thousand had no orders to do with the insurance RBI has no guidelines. So people have to be aware of the questions is not only banks but also the everyday bank account holder bank officials are entangled. Patna are several banks complained to the manager Latest News India.

Sunil Kumar, senior manager of Bank of India today said, “Every day we have to suffer the anger of clients that we are not mass-funding scheme. 5 thousand of account opening bank loan demand, but so far we have not come up any guidelines. Nor have we any right to insurance. Customers ask us account after opening the insurance papers. Every day we are facing a fight. “

Source: Latest News India

Latest News Weapon of Peace ak 47

Latest News AK 47 Killing Machine Awarded Weapon Of Peace

Latest News AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle in the world famous Russian company to enhance its image, a new logo and tagline under the plan is adopted. The company has its arms weapon of peace (Vepans of Peace) is described.

Kalashnikov AK-47 rifle was given to the world. The rifle with security forces in Asia and Africa continent is also popular among terrorist organizations. Kalashnikov or AK-47 weapon in the world is familiar. Russia Today, according to a company news in the company’s renewed branding initiative has spent more than $ 380 000. Kalashnikov’s new logo “CK” is written in black and red. The extension ‘Kalashnikov Concern “which the company says its new name Latest News India.

The company said in a statement that these are the colors of the flag of Udmurtia in western Serbia, the Kalashnikov is the main factory. At the same time the weapon is the company adopted a new slogan or slogan. Peace slogan in English (Protecting Peace) and Russian weapon of peace (Vepans of Peace) implies.

The company has introduced some products to descend into the fashion market. It is believed that the world has sold more than 10 million Kalashnikov rifles. Mikhail Kalashnikov, who developed the gun died last year.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India Kejriwal

Kejriwal’s US Fund Raising Dinner Latest News India

Latest News India Aam Aadmi Party convenor Arvind Kejriwal raises questions on travel between Dubai and US sources said the party is clear that the program is not in Dubai Arvind’s fund raising. Arvind there are going to be just 2 programs. The Indian diaspora in the US with Arvind fund raising dinner program. But this program on behalf of the party but the people living there are being held from. It questioned the BJP party has the common man. On behalf of the party has hit back at BJP.

Party sources said Arvind Kejriwal will leave for Dubai on Thursday afternoon. Bhagwant Mann MP and senior lawyer and member of the party h. S. Weight are also with Arvind. Arvind in Dubai will be the first door on Friday famous Gurudwara Nanak. As well as many others will also. Brands of the World Summit on Saturday after the Asia’s most inspiring and Youth Social Change Maker Award will be awarded.

That same day, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Abu Dhabi chapter will address. Then will leave for New York on Saturday evening Arvind. He will also meet with Indians living in New York. This is a fund raising dinner with the NRI has been organized Latest News India.
According to sources who attended the dinner from 5 to 10 thousand dollars minimum donation per plate can be taken accordingly. Party leaders have said that full account of funding from the US will be on the party’s website. After studying at Columbia University in New York on Monday Arvind Indian students to address the program.
Arvind on the traveling party has raised questions. Party chief Praveen Shankar Kapoor Delhi state media has said that no political party in India and abroad have visited fundraising. It is clear that all these political survival depends on funding from the Ford Foundation and the State.

Layman party spokesman Dilip Pandey said these allegations stating that Indians living in the US foreign BJP leaders admit, it’s sad. Pandey is clear that according to the law of Dubai fundraising or any other country where the leader can not be held as political campaigning, the only people in the US will fund, which has an Indian passport and which law of India is funding permits. The party asked the BJP that the public to report any funding from abroad.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India New CBI Director

Latest News India Anil Kumar Sinha New CBI Director

New Delhi: Senior IPS officer Anil Kumar Sinha on Tuesday night, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been appointed as the new director. He will replace Ranjit Sinha.

Ranjit Sinha, the Supreme Court in the 2G spectrum scam probe ordered to stay away from the investigation after he retired amid controversy. Bihar cadre, 1979 batch officer in CBI director Anil Kumar Sinha Latest News India.

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name cleared Anil Kumar Sinha Tuesday evening included in the list of candidates selected by the Selection Committee. As stated in an official notification from the date of taking over a two-year term Sinha will.

Earlier in the day, Modi Chief Justice of India and the leader of the main opposition party in the Lok Sabha on the selection of the new CBI chief was discussed. The Committee elected by the Department of Personnel and Training to consider the names of 40 officers. Sources said Latest News from India.

CBI director Ranjit Sinha turmoil of his two-year reign as the retired today. He went on turning over controversial tenure. Sinha was busted in term of bribery cases in which several members of the Railway Board, a public sector bank chairman and chief executive officer of the Board, including the Managing Director and was involved in many other cases.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News From India Kejariwal

BJP Questioned About AAP Funding Latest News From India

Funding on the common man party BJP has raised serious questions. Arvind Kejriwal party government which it hit the jackpot in 49 days, which he alone is making millions for advertising in Delhi. Dinner party with 20 thousand names of those who have asked.

Delhi to raise money for the propagation of Cirque ‘You do not like to party policy. Kejriwal dinner adopted a policy of donation. Hazari 20-20 people came to dinner. But the BJP got Mic money Hazari plate 20 who were questioned, it remained silent about Kejriwal Latest News from India.

BJP leader Ramesh Bidhudi, Delhi BJP general secretary alleged that Ashish Sood and Ashwani Upadhyay in Delhi, citing the money you have spent on the promotion of support coming from Pakistan and Arab countries. Ashish Sood asked Kejriwal government which has 49 days to find a wealth of Mammon, and he spent millions of Delhi bus shelters, subway, bridge and put the BJP propaganda site Kabir questioned NGOs and the Ford Foundation the.

Kabir says party registration of NGOs in 2007, but in 2007 only 44 million it got from the Ford Foundation.

Stung by the charge reversal Kejriwal Latest News From India. He threatened to sue the party challenged the BJP and the Congress show of public funding they receive.

Funding the common man party claiming that the website is displayed on the whole. The party says it was the last time was 20 crore fund, which was closed soon after completion. This time the target is 30 million. This time the target will be closed to complete the subscription.

Source: Latest News India

Latest News From India

CBI Director Ranjit Sinha Retired Today Latest News India

Latest News India: The most controversial in the history of CBI Director Ranjit Sinha will be retired on Tuesday. Is believed that the prime minister Narendra Modi after returning from a visit to the Northeast for selecting new directors will attend a meeting Tuesday evening. Clearly, the appointment of new directors may be delayed by one or two days. Home Affairs Special Secretary (Internal Security), light alloys are believed to lead to the race.

Ranjit Sinha controversy began with the start of term. CBI director coal scam report after becoming prime minister Ashwini Kumar officers and then share with the law, the Supreme Court took seriously. The Supreme Court granted the government’s intervention in the fair investigation agency “parrot in a cage,” said the. A year later, the Supreme Court found itself autonomy guaranteed Ranjit Sinha became embroiled in allegations of abuse. 2G spectrum allocation scam and blocks those accused charged nexus. A register was presented to the Supreme Court, which accused the CBI with the trapped people often meet several disputed evidence. The CBI Director Ranjit Sinha, stay out of the investigation ordered by the Supreme Court. Obviously Sinha term credibility of the CBI moved into the abyss Latest News From India.

CBI director for new key will be to bring back the credibility of the agency. Yet it is not clear who will be chosen for the challenge. Tuesday evening is believed that the selection of the new CBI director Kolejiam will be meeting for the prime minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice HL Dattu and Parliament of India, the leader of the largest opposition party has Kdghe Mallikarjun. The first of the new Kolejiam CBI director is appointed.

For consideration by the Ministry of Personnel Committee has prepared a panel of five senior IPS officers. Abhayanand former DGP of Bihar, Special Secretary in the Ministry of Home Light Alloys, Anaia director Sharad Kumar, CBI Special Director Anil Sinha and DG RPF include Krishna Chaudhary.

According to highly placed sources in the formal appointment of the new director may be a delay of a day or two. Ranjit Sinha on Tuesday, following the retirement of a director Anil Sinha, director of special duties may be assigned.

CBI at a glance
* CBI special police establishment of the institution was founded in 1941.
* The establishment of a special police department during World War war supplies during the transaction was to investigate cases of bribery and corruption.
* After the end of World War central agency to investigate corruption cases if the need was implemented in 1946. The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act.
* Act was transferred to the Department of the Interior to the CBI.
* CBI’s authority and functions are defined by the Delhi Special Police Act 1946 installation.
* April 1963 Delhi Special Police Establishment of a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been named.
* In the beginning, the CBI was investigating corruption by Central Government employees only. Employees of the public sector has also been subjected. Nationalization of banks in 1969 after he came under the CBI.
The official unit of India’s CBI Interpol.
* In 2013, the Guwahati High Court Bench CBI had declared unconstitutional organization. Justice Iqbal Ahmed Ansari and Mrs Justice Shah said in the judgment that the CBI is not the police force because he is not authorized to investigate crimes and filed chargesheet.
* On-the central government agency working on behalf of the accused.
“I did not do any good. Write whatever you want to write. I had thrown up much mud. “RANJIT Sinha, Director, CBI

Source: Latest News India

Latest News India

Niranjan Jyoti Said Sorry Latest News India

Latest News India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s strictly the central food processing Jyoti Niranjan nun in an election rally in Delhi Aptitjnk apologized statement. He said Monday that Robert Vadra you to disarm the public to decide whether the government will make Ramjadon in Delhi or (expletives) government.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Union Minister Niranjan light to disarm law Robert Vadra son of the pottery shop, Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-Krbpti how to become a billionaire. He has robbed the poor, sucked. Modi ji not eat, do not eat it. It Ramjadon in Delhi Government will have to decide whether or (expletives) government Latest News From India.

First light on Tuesday refused to apologize to his Aptitjnk statement gave a controversial statement. He said that all Christians living in the country, Muslims are descendents of RAM. They also do not believe that this country will not. Speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the uproar and advocate restraint in the light of the House regrets saying words by saying that I take it back.

Source: Latest News India