IPhone 6 Full Specification

iPhone 6 price, specs, release date rumours – 4.7in and 5.5in screen sizes and a better camera

Thanks to the raft of product announcements at the end of 2013, including the
iPad Air, iPad Mini with Retina Display, iPhone 5s and iOS 7, we got a glimpse of what Apple had been up to and an idea of what the hotly anticipated iPhone 6 would be like.

With the Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One (M8) released, we now know what the big competition is doing this year, too, and what Apple has to compete against.


With the other big launches out of the way, the rumours are now all about Apple’s latest smartphone. They’re coming in thick and fast, so we’re updating this article regularly to keep you up-to-date. We’re also doing out best to filter out the rubbish, getting rid of the leaks, rumours and photos that are obviously fake. As we get ever-close to the launch date, the rumours will increase and we’ll get a better idea of what to expect.


Typically, Apple uses the same design for a product for two iterations, before bringing out something new. As we’ve had the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, it makes sense for Apple to go for something different for the iPhone 6.


Rumour has it that the iPhone 6 is taking design cues from the iPod Nano and iPhone 5C.

Rumours published on the Japanese blog Macotakara stated that Apple wants to replicate the multiple colours of the iPhone 5C, giving people a choice for their new phone.

The iPhone 5C was made of plastic, which wouldn’t seem like the right move for a high-end smartphone; Apple seems to agree and is also looking to the construction of the iPod Nano. This product comes in multiple colours, too, but uses anodised aluminium body to provide the colour.

With a metal body, Apple will then take some of the design cues from the iPhone 5C, including the curved edges, and the same speaker and microphone holes in the bottom of the handset.

Allegedly, the phone would be just 7mm thick. At this size, the current camera would protrude from the back of the phone. Apple may make the phone thicker to compensate or, by the time the phone is released, have a smaller camera module.

These rumours seem to be been proven as true, if the latest leaked photos are to be believed. The iPhone 6 allegedly snapped in the Foxconn factory shows a new curvier design. Rather than the harsh edges of the iPhone 5S, the smooth, curved sides are definitely closer to the iPhone 5C and iPod Nano.

There’s nothing for scale in the photo, so we can’t tell how big the phone is, although it’s pretty much accepted that the new iPhone will have a bigger screen (see below for more information).

As well as showing off the casing, the photos also seem to show a new sensor on the bottom right. A second snap from the factory showed a CAD drawing of the phone, with the sensor labelled, but the resolution is too low to read it properly. It may be a pulse reader, as Apple is said to be gearing the iPhone 6 towards fitness.


Don’t believe the hype, this isn’t the iPhone 6

We’re not against renders, as they can help visualise what a feature might look like. However, we are against renders being passed off as the real thing. As for the iPhone 6, we’re going to have to wait a bit longer to find out what it will really look like.


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