Bill Gates Again got a title of “World’s Richest Person”

Recently Forbes has given his world’s top richest person list in to the market. And according to that again an old and famous character is on the top named as “Bill Gates” a Microsoft CEO. He again claims a title for World’s richest person.


Last year when Forbes released his list of world’s richest person, they shown Carlos Slim on the top but this time Gates again coming forward to him and became world’s richest person again with the net worth of $76 Billion, a very good growth and Carlos slim went on the second position with down net worth from $73 billion to $72 billion. So this year he is not having good stars just as Gates. There are some of the reasons that now Microsoft owns a Nokia’s devices and service business. So he got very well effect of that on his net worth.

Out of TOP 100 we have shortlisted the TOP 10 Billionaire list below.

1. BillGates – $ 76 Billion
2. Carlos Slim – $ 72 Billion
3. Amancio Ortega – $ 64 Billion
4. Warren Buffet – $ 58.2 Billion
5. Larry Ellison – $ 48 Billion


Now the world has 1,645 billionaires list, according to Forbes List 172 are women and 492 are from the US. Nearby 66% of these billionaires created their own empires and income, while 13% inherited them and 21% have added more in their previous fortunes.

So many new faces got place in the list of billionaire this year from the technology side. Beside Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos, list of new faces came in to the list like Whatsapp Founder Jam Koum, Brian Acton, From Drop box we have Drew Houston and many more faces.

Bill Gates world’s richest person Out of his big income he keeps donation to someone or any of the charity organisations and this time he donated $28 Billion to the Bill and Melinda Foundation which is working for some of the very Dangerous diseases like Polio, Malaria etc.

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